U.N. Ro-Ro acquisition by DFDS


STJ Advisors and our joint advisor Alpacar acted as IPO advisor to VDS Limited (a holding company controlled by Actera Group and ESAS) on the IPO/sale dual-track process which resulted in the sale of U.N. RO-RO, the largest intermodal service between Turkey and Europe, to Danish shipping and logistics company DFDS for a total consideration of $1.17 billion.

STJ - Alpacar’s consistent advice and detailed and timely data-driven analysis in the critical stages of the IPO process and on investor appetite at a time of Turkish market volatility provided VDS with the transparency to enable informed decision-making particularly in relation to the relative merits of the IPO and the DFDS offer. Ultimately, the DFDS offer was accepted, with the IPO track having represented an alternative that provided competitive tension and a clear valuation benchmark  against a private sale.

With this transaction, STJ maintains an unparalleled track-record of successfully completing exits at optimal terms for its customers and further enhances its dual-track advisory credentials.

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